Friday, January 27, 2012

Dental problems

Dental problems

Below are some of the many dental conditions with varying incidence.

Dental caries occurs often due to bacterial attacks from plaque which are formed by foods that causes tooth decay and demineralization. Dental caries can be prevented but not recovered. Through proper oral care and regular dental procedures, tooth decay can be prevented.

There is a condition called tooth sensitivity where sharp pains are caused by exposed dentin alone. This is frequent in the premolars and canine area. Surgery, topical treatments and certain tooth pastes (dentrifices) are usually given to clients suffering from this. These agents desensitize the pain making it bearable for client recovery.

Mouth abscesses is an infection that surrounds the tissues in the tooth. These happen because of tissue destruction, tooth loss or widened infection from other parts of the body. Treatments are usually simple and used in other dental conditions.

Involuntary grinding of teeth whether awake or asleep is a condition called Bruxism. This can cause severe dental damage. This usually occurs in children but is often outgrown. Treatments rely largely on treating psychosomatic factors, which is the main reason why clients grind their teeth.

Carious, periodontal, wisdom tooth and dental trauma origins are common dental emergencies which require immediate attention from professional oral hygienist.

With an incomplete fracture on a vital posterior tooth that is connected to the dental and sometimes the pulp means you have a cracked tooth. Occasional adjustments, restoration or endodontic treatments would help alleviate the condition.

Dry socket disorder is an infectious type of dental condition that is created when a tooth is removed and occurs mostly after wisdom tooth extraction. This condition is usually seen in women than men. Preventive treatment includes use of antifibrinolytics agents, antiseptics as well as antibiotics.

When a wisdom tooth fails to erupt or function properly, this will cause dental problems. The cause of this condition is due to space constraint. Although there is no unique treatment, this will require surgery or teeth extraction only after careful deliberation.

Tooth abrasion is a destruction of your teeth but without carious. This is due to erosion from gastric, anorexia and bulimic patients, those with unusual diets or exposed with acidic fumes. Due to increase consumption of soft drinks, the young are commonly affected by this condition. Prevention is better than resorting to restorative treatments which are quite expensive.

Tooth disorders that are drug induced involves discoloration, physical damage and tooth sensitivity alterations. Common drugs that cause this condition are fluorides, tetracyclines, minocycline, ciprofloxacin, anticonvulsants and chemotherapy drugs.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Ясны сийрэгжилт-Остеопороз
Дэлхийн эрүүл мэндийн байгууллагын судалгаагаар зүрх судасны өвчин, хавдар, чихрийн шижин өвчний дараа ясны сийрэгжилт эзэлж байгаа нь өвчины тархалт ихсэн залуужиж байгааг харуулж байна. Хүн хоногт 1000-1500 мг кальцыг хоол хүнс болон нэмэлт бүтээгдэхүүнээр авах шаардлагатай. Иймд цагаан идээ ааруул, сүү, цөцгийн тос хэрэглээрэй. Өвлийн улиралд нарны гэх Д витамин ихээр дутагдах учир загас, жүржийн шүүс, үзэмний шүүс хэрэглэвэл Кальцийн шимэгдэлтийг сайжруулна. Кальц хэдийгээр авч байгаа ч хөдөлгөөн багатай байх,  кофейн ихээр агуулсан кофе, өтгөн цай, давс, хийжүүлсэн ундаа зэрэг нь кальц, магни бусад элементийг биеэс гадагшлуулах хортой шүү.
Энэ өвчний шинж тэмдэг: Буйлнаас цус гарах, шүд хурдан хорхойтох, үйрч унах, үс унах, хумс хугарах, шалтгаангүй уурлах, зүрх өвдөх, нойргүйдэх зэрэг шинж тэмдэг илэрнэ.